To post a job on this page, e-mail your job posting in a “word” or “pdf” format to info@assessor.ab.ca The posting will remain on this page until after the closing date or unless otherwise arranged. |
The cost per posting is $350 plus GST, which also includes a one-time listing in the Association's monthly E-Clipboard newsletter. |
AssessorCity of Calgary Closing Date: February 26, 2025. |
Associate AssessorCity of Calgary Closing Date: February 26, 2025. |
Residential AssessorCity of Lloydminster Closing Date: February 14, 2025. |
AssessorFoothills County Closing Date: Will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found. |
Senior Property Assessor / Analyst - Non Residential - Job #713The City of Red Deer Permanent Full-time position – 75 hrs biweekly Closing Date: Will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found. |
Property Assessor 4 (Residential) - Job #714The City of Red Deer Permanent Full-time position – 75 hrs biweekly Closing Date: Will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found. |